Blog - Ada Developer Curriculum


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Author: Didier Willame
Date of last change: 29 May 2020
Initial date: 12 April 2020
Keys: Ada language, developer levels and curriculum


This blog is about the skills and abilities that a developer must have to claim a given level of expertise.

Our Ada developers curriculum is organized around three main axes:

Junior Leval


A junior developer has to master the Ada 2012 syntax and semantics. He or she must efficiently code simple programs. He or she masters property the unit testing (he or she can design a complete test coverage). He or she also masters the defensive programming and the clean code rules. In a word, he or she is an outstanding craftsman. And finally, he or she works inside little groups.


Intermediate Level


An intermediate developer has to master libraries. He or she must design efficiently complex applications. He or she masters specific both programming domains and techniques (system, network, embedded, concurrent, real-time, functional programming, etc.). In a word, he or she has an excellent analysis and synthesis abilities and conduct research projects about mature topics (e.g. create an embedded simulator to choose the better bus like I2C or Ethernet). Having an excellent software engineering background, he or she works in supervise the job done by the juniors.


Senior Level


A senior developer has to master the Ada 2012 (and soon Ada 2020) syntax and semantics. He or she must be able to prove the code, and he or she draws very complex architectures. He or she masters industrial domains (e.g. aerospace, railway, banking, etc.). In a word, he or she has an excellent creativity ability and conduct research projects from scratch (e.g. specify new formal systems to be able to validate models). He or she works in multidisciplinary structures with rocket scientists like mathematicians, physicists, biologists, doctors of medicine, etc.



Your Collaboration

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from: Your Nickname (your Email address), 12 April 2020.